WARNING: Be sure you are ready to read on. It could change your life, and you can't unsee this FREE opportunity.

Are You Ready 
to Get Off the


It won't cost you a thing but effort and time.

Simply listen to The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale once a day for at least 30 days. That's the challenge.

I GUARANTEE it will change your life.

The Strangest Secret Challenge is FREE

My goal is to see hundreds, even thousands of people, change their lives by taking it on.

If you need resources to make your challenge more effective, you can order 
The Strangest Secret Challenge Guidebook below:

PDF copies HERE

Special Edition 3 Ring Binder copies with Additional Bonuses HERE 

Paperback copies available on Amazon HERE

Click HERE to purchase a text copy of the recording

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Read on to understand why 
The Strangest Secret
means so much to me...
From the Desk of Dr. David Powers
My first experience with the recording that I remember was a book and recording on compact disc that I purchased from Dan Miller, author of 48 Days to the Work You Love, and a close friend. 

Back then I didn’t know Dan other than from the point of view of a teacher and motivational speaker. I followed Dan for many years through his books, podcast, and attending seminars at The Sanctuary at his house before getting to know him personally.

There’s an old saying that “you should never meet your heroes”. I understand why the saying exists, but I don’t think it applies to men like Dan Miller. The more I was around him, the more I looked up to him. He eventually became a hero, mentor, and close friend. His influence on my life affected me in all areas of my life.

A few years later I came full circle in my relationship with Dan and the influence of The Strangest Secret. I found an album copy of that original recording that so shaped Dan’s life and had it framed for him.

...the rest of this story and a personal letter Dan wrote to my son about The Strangest Secret are found in the The Strangest Secret Challenge Guidebook.
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